Well it is nearly the start of the new school or college year and for some of you it will be your last year in compulsory education.
If you have not already started thinking about it, the time is now to give serious and considerable thought to what you would like to do with your life career wise.
Choosing your career or the job you will do is a very important decision that may affect your happiness, your quality of life and the standard of your living. It may even affect where you can live and will certainly affect your income.
Here are some basic questions you should ask yourself.
Consider carefully what you would like to do.
Here are some hints and tips
1. What are you good at?
2. What do you enjoy?
3. What do you have a passion for?
4. Where do you want to live? Do you prefer the country or the City? Do you want to stay near family in which case what are the opportunities/industries etc in your local area, or are you prepared to move far away?
5.Do you prefer to work indoors or outdoors mainly?
6.Do you have an income in mind?
7.How much further study are you prepared to do - none, a year, 3 years, 4 years, 7 years?
8.What do you know about apprenticeships, university, employment pros and cons?
Do discuss your ideas, hopes and plans with your Careers Adviser/Careers Counsellor who will be able to give you impartial, expert advice and discuss aspects with you that you may not yet have thought of.