Thursday, 30 June 2016

Marketing Yourself In The Job Market.

Beach and sea
If the Brexit teaches us anything it should be that the world can change over night and we have to adjust to a new reality. The world of work is no different it operates on the same dynamics of life. Changes in world events and our careers may well happen several times over our lifetimes. 

You have probably been told that if you study hard, get a degree and tweak your CV, you will make it the job market.
However sadly it does not always work like that. The ratio of graduates to jobs is at an all time high. To use business speak in many areas there is more supply then demand.

So having said that how do you load the odds in your favour?

You first of all need to know what makes you tick, what is your passion and your strengths. Do you enjoy selling, working with information or things are you a people person?

Get a handle on who you are. Analyse and reflect on this.
What skills do you have and how can you demonstrate you have them. Are there any gaps in your knowledge or skills?

Look at work experience or an internship to gain more skills and to be able to demonstrate those skills and your willingness to work on the job and continue to learn.

Target your career areas precisely. Write to people who have the power to hire, explain you are investigating the occupational area and wish to speak to an expert in it.
This gives you a foot in the door.

Sell yourself on the benefits of what you have done. Think about your achievements in your school or degree course, voluntary work, paid work, positions of responsibility you held, community groups and interests you are involved in. What did you achieve, how did you do it and what results did you get? Be specific and relevant.

Employers look at the bottom line and profit. The present and future health of the company. They need a competent, skilled, hardworking and motivated workforce. 

Think about and reflect to the companies you are interested in how fast and how well you can you add to this or how much training do you need ( preferably as little as possible)  to achieve this. This will give you an edge in the job market.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

How To Choose A Level Subjects.

sea view
How to choose A Level subjects.

Remember when you had to choose your options at GCSE ?  Well narrowing down 8 subjects to 4 is even more important and often more of a pain. The following points might help you.

Subject strengths.

You will need to look at  your strengths. The advice we would give you is to choose subjects you have at least a B grade in at GCSE. 

However most sixth forms now offer  subjects such as Law, Psychology , Sociology etc. In this case talk to the tutors and past students to find out more about the subject. Also read around it to try to establish if you would enjoy studying it for several years. 

What you enjoy.

A levels are very intense. You will have more lessons in a week of a particular subject then you did at GCSE. You have to be passionate and enjoy the subject. Persistence and application are important here.

Keep your options open.

You may be  very passionate  on studying economics at 16, but after two years of charts, diagrams and complex mathematical figures, you may wish to confine economics to the dustbin and opt for anything but. 

You need to feel excited, interested and passionate about your subject over the long term.

Will your subject combination count?

Do not do a subject only because you consider it easy or your mates are doing it.

Take subjects that mean something in the real world

Inspire Guidance  recommends you consult the list of facilitating subjects produced by the Russell Group ( elite universities ). You can do an internet search for this. 

As a guideline, the top  universities strongly recommend that students should take at least two of the facilitating subjects or other 'hard subjects'. Facilitating subjects such as maths, English literature, physics and history keep your options open. Not all hard subjects are facilitating (economics and music, for example).

However if you are completely passionate about Music for example, and may want to pursue this for a career,  do research where this will take you. 

Check your sixth form university prospectus for entry requirements.

Visit university websites to get a flavour of what they require

Investigate and dig deeper.

 If you are set on a particular career or university course, check the detail. Find out any course requirements before you choose your advanced level course/ subjects. 

A course may not only request the specific grades eg AAB but specify the subjects too. Often the grades will be attached to subjects, for example minimum of : maths A, physics A, chemistry B, so getting the right grades in the wrong subjects may matter. 

Check out the UCAS website for specific course requirements

Don’t take subjects that are too similar.

For example Economics and Business studies.

Check for additional requirements. 

Not studying biology will severely limit the choice of medical schools available to those wishing to pursue a career in Medicine.

The vast majority of economics degree courses require either A level maths or top grades at GCSE. 

Only studying applied A levels or BTecs will limit your chances of getting a place on a course at  an elite universities (those in the Russell Group). Also check policy on resits some universities require subjects grades  both at GCSE and A level be obtained at one sitting.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

How To Choose A Career Area Overview

How to choose a career area. ( I will expand on points in future postings )

1. Begin by determining what you like to do. So what are your interests now, what makes you sit up and take notice, which classes do you look forward to. Do you like science, people, animals, plants, technology, softwear, hardwear, travel, languages etc. Do you enjoy being indoors, outdoors, working alone, working in a team, leading etc

2. Identify the skills you use when you're doing the thing(s) you enjoy. Are you practical, theoretical, caring, good communicator, musical etc.

3. Think of career areas broadly. A career area of work is far more than a single job. ie caring for people, caring for animals, using numbers, manufacturing, crafts, arts, environment, medical, teaching etc

4. Learn as much as possible about the qualifications/ job role required. What are the entry routes, tasks and activities in job and progression points?

5. Find people who work in the field and meet and talk to them. Use Open days, friends, family, neighbours, job fairs etc.

6. Re-evaluate your choice of career  according to your own perceptions and the information you have investigated.

7. Find and Do the training route  or education route in the career of your choice.

Monday, 13 June 2016

When You Do Not Want To Go To University?

road to town
So you have your grades to go to university, Congratulations!!

Only problem is you don't want to go to University. For some people University is a great experience and necessary for their chosen career. It can be great or it can be difficult. No single option is perfect for every person. 

For some careers you need a degree and it has to be done through a University. It is vital to check. For many more you can do a degree while working or go through other routes like apprenticeships.  

These days it is important to consider all the angles and an important one is financial. You have sliced and diced the numbers and the average student comes out with around 60,000 pounds in debt at the end of the course. 

Granted you do not have to pay this back until you start earning above a certain amount of money but it is still a considerable sum to think about. It should not put you off if you really want to go and make the most of your University time and certainly not if you have chosen a career where a degree is essential. However if you are not sure, feel lukewarm about going or you do not want to go what now ?

The first thing to do is to take an inventory of your skills and abilities.

The Morrisby profile is a good starting point.

Look at your likes / dislikes.

How would you like to work?

Would you like to work with people,things,information or be creative?

Think about this carefully. Once you have identified a few career areas read around them dig deeper. 

Use the national careers website to identify routes into your chosen field.

What is involved in the job, what qualifications do you need?

Can you do an apprenticeship or internship in this career area? 

Can you do a degree while working? An option many young people are considering now.

If you are still at a loss take time out, such as a gap year. Do something useful though, something that will look great on your CV and develop you as a person. 

Teach English as s foreign language ,you don't need to speak another language.

You will be surprised how travelling can concentrate the mind. Do not just travel around aimlessly though make sure there is a purpose,where you can learn new skills and an outcome. Get involved in a known verified organisation that is doing something good for the world, people, conservation - you choose. 

Also consider volunteering to gain new skills. It does not have to be abroad, every town, village and city needs volunteers to help in all manner of ways. Develop your skills.

Start to job seek if you are ready.

All in all if you do not want to go to University, you do have many options and may well have just a great a career -if not better in some career areas- as a standard graduate.

To your success! 

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Time To Think About Your Next Steps

clock tower

If you are in Year 10 in school, now in the summer term of year 10 is a perfect time to start thinking seriously of your future career. 

Year 11 will be a busy year and it will go by much faster than you think it will.

In addition there will be exams and revision, applications to make and more pressures than this year. So give yourself some time out to think about what it is that you want out of your next few years and your life. 

If you have access to a Qualified Careers Adviser then do take advantage of that and book an appointment to see them. Ideally they will be external to your school and be able to give you honest, impartial and unbiased advice about all the routes and options open to you, advise you on open days and vists and help you through the maze of choices and decisions.. 

If not then you will need to do more of your own research. 

The main routes after year 11 are

1.School 6th Form College. If your school has a 6th Form and you wish to continue with studies full time and your potential grades are acceptable to the school this may be an option. Do check what courses are on offer to you and what grades they are asking for.  

2. College 6th Form. Whether your school has a 6th form or not there may also be other 6th Form colleges you would like to look inot. Some may be larger than you r school 6th form which you may or may not like, the courses may be the same or differetn. Do find out when the open days are and go along for a chat and see what you think.

3.Further Education College. Vocational or academic courses at a College of further education may be the route you wish to take. These are full time courses in a different enviroment of a college. You are in full time education working towards a qualification in specific areas or subjects. 

4. Vocational Apprenticeships. Apprenticeships can be a good way of getting on the job training and a qualification while earning. You will need to find out which apprenticeships are available, the qualifications they require and if you are interested in any of the opportunities. 

None of these routes after year 11 are better or worse than another. It all depends where you are heading and in what way you prefer to learn. 

Do not take one route just because it seems easier or your friends are doing that course, or someone else wants you to do it . Now is the time to think about YOUR future and what YOU really want to do with it. 

Please note that for some jobs "A" levels and a subsequent degree are essential and required -examples would be a Vet Surgeon, Doctor, Barrister, Teacher, Surgeon. For other jobs you may learn on the job as an apprentice and still gain qualifications.

Some people like to gain "A" levels and a degree at University for the love of learning and the subjects and the University experience. For others it may be that plus the need to gain those specific qualifications to do the career they want. 

Some people prefer to do their learning and gain all necessary qualifications while earning and the career they are focusing on is ideally served through an apprenticeship.

Start now and take your time to look into all the options equally. 

We will be posting more about the choices presented by each of these options in coming posts and more on how to do your own research. 

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Redundancy-What Next?

steps down to beach

Coming To Terms With Redundancy -What Do You Want To Do Now?

You need to give serious thought to your next steps, which path to choose. What this might be may depend on your specific situation.
  • For some people it will be a job hunting strategy for a specific type of job
  • For some it will be job hunting for any job
  • For others it may be a period of retraining in a job that is more likely to have vacancies
  • For some it may be considering self employment as a sole trader or setting up in a company business.
  • For others it may be travel...
  • Or deciding to take early retirement.
"The trouble with unemployment is that the minute you wake up in the morning you're on the job."

Here are some useful sites for you to read more advice regarding redundancy

Careers Advice Coping With Redundancy

Redundancy At Age 50 Plus

  • Redundancy Age 50+
    Redundancy is difficult anytime but if you are over 50 it can be more challenging. Equally you may be aware of more people over 50 taking redundancy though it does affect any age group. Here is a specific article to help those over 50.

Coping With Redundancy UK Website

  • Coping With redundancy
    A UK based website which details about your rights, and things to consider. Please note if you are not in the UK these things may well differ a lot so please consult relevant sites for your country.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude...
Thomas Jefferson

Just Don't Quit.

Redundancy can be very difficult but there are ways to cope and survive and even thrive. We wish you well.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Redundancy-Financial Considerations.

How to Deal with Redundancy Financial Considerations

sky with clouds

If you are made redundant or take voluntary redundancy you will hopefully receive a sum of money. Do make sure you are clear how much  you will receive.

It is important to know how long you can survive financially on your redundancy money so that you can plan.

It is also important to find out if you or your family are entitled to any benefits at all. This will vary between countries and may depend on if the redundancy is compulsory or voluntary. If you are asked to take voluntary redundancy do check what this means for you before accepting it.

If your workplace holds any talks for people whose jobs are going to be redundant do attend them and ask any questions you would like to know, particularly about the financial aspect.

Financial Checklist After Redundancy. If you do not already know exactly what they are you need a list of all your outgoings:-

Mortgage or rent
Utilities ( gas, electric, water etc)
Mobile phone charges
Car repairs,MOT,Tax, breakdown service etc
Insurances- House, car, life etc
Healthcare costs
Pet Insurance/feed/healthcare
Clothing/Shoes/School Uniforms
School Trips/expenses. 
Gym/other club memberships
Charity donations
Loan repyments
Debt repayments

Then you need a list of all your incoming money post redundancy as a family
So if you have a partner or adult children living with you, anyone is working, include that.

Your Redundancy payout
Partners salary
Any Benefits

If things do not add up and you have more outgoings than incomings post redundancy check is there anything you can currently live without i.e. gym membership, TV services you pay for etc.

Check if you are entitled to any benefits for you or your family. 

Do you have any other skills you can develop to bring in money? Some people have found it possible to turn a hobby into a means of income.

Then you need to think - if you need to, if it comes to that, is there anything you would/could sell?

If you are struggling to any debts then sooner rather than later seek help. Go see your Bank or Building Society or who ever you owe money to and ask for help and advice. We do not advise borrowing more money.

If anyone owes you money now is the time to call it in. 

This is a useful book to help you. 

Tips For Surviving Redundancy

Coping With Redundancy Twelve Top Strategies 

 This book is aimed to help you to help yourself to be prepared for the effects of redundancy.This includes your financial position and the mental survival process.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Redundancy Emotional Considerations

Emotional Considerations

bench overlooking pond

It is surprising how emotional redundancy can be. I was not prepared for that when it happened to me.

However, in a way it is not surprising, your workplace may be somewhere you have worked for 40 or more hours each week for twenty or more years. That is a lot of emotional investment in a place.

The people you know the social events the regular routine and the role you have is all important considerations. therefore do not be thrown off by having an emotional response to being made redundant.

So do not worry if your initial response is one that you were not anticipating.

Yes there is life after redundancy, it may even be better , but it is not an easy process to go through and you need to be gentle on yourself at this time. It is after all a form of grieving and may well have been a shock.

Please read the article below to help you at this time. 

Coping With The Psychological Effects of Redundancy 

    Surviving The Axe Book

    Surviving the Axe: How to Deal with Redundancy and Unemployment

    From handling job loss, seeking opportunities and going to interviews. Surviving the trauma of redundancy and job loss in a positive way forward.
    "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude...
    Thomas Jefferson"

    Thursday, 7 January 2016

    After Redundancy-Keep A Routine

    After Redundancy-Keep A Routine

    white flowers

    Do Not Isolate Yourself

    When we get up and go to work we have a structure a basis for the way our day will go. 

    When you suddenly do not have that any more it can be a very strange place. We need to think of new beginnings and a new structure to our lives.

    "Doing nothing is very hard to never know when you're finished."
    Leslie Nielsen

    1. Keep in touch with your friends and any ex colleagues who may also have been made redundant. Make regular coffee dates so you can support each other. Not only will this stop you becoming isolated it is also an excellent support network and a network to find employment and opportunities for each other.

    2. If you are job hunting make that your job. Set a plan, a strategy for each day, each week and stick to it. Get a Diary or do a Diary online and put tasks and appointments in it.

    3. Get up at the same time each day. make it a rule to stay in bed no longer than 8am. If you start sleeping in a lot or find that it does not matter what time you get up you can very quickly see the days disappearing and nothing achieved. Give your self an hour for lunch then work again until 4 or 5 pm.

    4. Seek out opportunities to volunteer at something you like and enjoy. Do check any rules and regulations on volunteering if you are claiming benefits before you start. 

    Surviving Redundancy Check List For The First Week

    In order to capture the very best of you and who you are do this in the first week after you have finished work. Do not leave it any later than this. You need to capture all your positives now.

    Write down all your 

    • Skills
    • Abilities
    • Interests
    • Accomplishments
    • Qualifications
    • Voluntary work
    • Achievements at work
    • Achievements outside of work
    • Specific skills
    • Personal qualities

    Consider your CV/Resume and update it.

    Wednesday, 6 January 2016

    Coping With Redundancy The First Steps.

    person by tree in black and white photograph

    Redundant - What Next? The First Steps. 

    Redundancy is difficult for most people. This series of posts over he next few days aims to help you through the first stages of it. Having faced redundancy myself I understand.

     There can be a subtle difference whether it is compulsory or voluntary redundancy and how that makes you feel, but it is redundancy all the same.

    It is harsh to feel that you are no longer needed or useful somewhere you have worked and committed to maybe for a large portion of your working life, maybe somewhere you felt you had a real career path. Redundancy can cause real difficulties in terms of finances and emotional fall out as well.Anyone going through redundancy needs support and understanding.

    If you are to cope with redundancy you need to know that you are needed and useful, perhaps not in the same way, in the same place but with support and time you can again make a difference and live a good life.

    When I accepted redundancy people would ask what did I do and I would say I have been made redundant from ...(my old job title) A friend told me early on not to say that. Rather to say my job was made redundant and I am seeking opportunities in ...(what i wanted to do )

    Oh yes it might just seem like playing with words but in my experience it made a difference to the way I felt about redundancy and that was very important to me.

    The Stages Of Redundancy Grief

    The grief of losing a job has been likened to the grief of other loss in life. There are stages we go through and it should be noted that these stages are not linear 1 to 5 but may go back wards as well as forwards until we settle and really accept and move on.

    Stage 1 - Shock. It is often a huge shock when redundancy occurs. even if you know things are not all well at the company somehow there was always hope it would get better....Shock is a natural reaction.

    Stage 2 - Denial. No its not happening to me I won't have it.

    Stage 3 - Anger/Resistance. To be expected but anger on its own it not helpful, and it is important we learn how to deal with it so we can move on and direct our new life in a positive manner.

    Stage 4 - Acceptance. This is when we start to deal with what has occured and can move onward.

    Stage 5 - Exploration. Moving forward on from redundancy and wanting to seek new ways to travel forward into a new way. That may be self employment, a new job, retraining or something else.

    Stage 6 - Challenge. Making the change and actually moving forward. Having a positive attitude to the future and taking positive actions.

    Do bear in mind that not everyone goes through every stage in a neat fashion. Indeed especially during the early days  people may easily go back and forth through many of these stages. You may skip stages or go through them all. It is simply a guide what you may expect.

    Redundancy is a shock and causes great difficulty for many people and that should not be understated. It also perhaps should be noted that many people I have talked with and myself included have found a greater joy and happiness and purpose since taking redundancy. I know this certainly will not be the case for everyone but it is a possibility...

    Overcoming redundancy: 52 inspiring ideas to help you bounce back from losing your job Helping you to refocus and reassess after the shock of redundancy. Encourages you to look at practical things you can do after redundancy to rebuild and seek opportunities from now on.

    What is Voluntary Redundancy?
    Explanation of what voluntary redundancy actually means. it is important to know the differences so that you are not caught out in the legal speak of large companies and that you know your rights and responsibilities.Voluntary redundancy

    What Is Compulsory Redundancy?
    Here is an explanation of compulsory redundancy. Do check carefully what type of redundancy you are being asked to take or made to take and what it really means for you.

    NB Please note laws and rules and benefits governing redundancy will be different in different countries. Please make yourself familiar with the ones that apply to the country you live in.

    Next : After Redundancy Keep a Routine