One key tip when going for an interview is to be relaxed. However you are in a very stressful situation. So what do you do ?
An old Alchemist tip is to use the Crystal Countdown. Read through the instructions several times until you are familiar with it, as you cannot open your eyes to read it whilst doing it.
Close your eyes and spend a minute breathing deeply and relaxing.
When you feel centred keep your eyes closed. In your minds eye imagine a TV screen about one foot in front of you just above your eyelids. Keep with it. You are being trained to see with your eyes open. You must retrain yourself to see wit your minds eye.
Next picture on the screen a red number seven (7) If you have difficulty keep practicing. When you see it hold it for a moment, then release it.
Next bring up an orange six (6) then proceed down the spectrum of colours
Yellow (5)
Green (4)
Indigo (2)
When you settle on Orchid count from 1-10 without colours.
When you reach number 10 say to your self
" I am now an Alpha and I program myself to be relaxed in stressful situations"
Give yourself a trigger word for relaxation. Pinch your thumb and forefinger together as you say your trigger word.
Next Count up from 1-10 . Then 1-7 .
You can then use your trigger word and gesture to relax before entering stressful situations.
Keep practicing!!